For Boston, For Boston
This post by Squeak guru Andreas Raab had a profound impact on my thinking post-9/11. It also led towards the theme I used for this blog. The name of this blog is "Because we believe another world is possible".
I have always felt through verisimilitude, we get better, and the good triumphs evil. My hope is that at the heart of political and technological decisions the betterment of society ultimately prevails. In this great modern world at the heart of the megalopolis of the Boston Massachusetts area, these words must be repeated especially amidst such tragedy:The second issue, which is actually far more important, is that we are in fact working here for a better future - a future in which such horrible incidents don't happen - a future in which our children will live and learn in peace. Computers - and the Internet - can help to understand other cultures better, can help to understand problems of regions far away better, can help to raise our attention to both, tragedies and threats from parts of this world seemingly far away.Andreas Raab Wed Sep 12 06:09:23 UTC 2001
Sonnet 51
Thus can my love excuse the slow offence Of my dull bearer when from thee I speed: From where thou art why should I haste me thence? Till I return, of posting is no need. O! what excuse will my poor beast then find, When swift extremity can seem but slow? Then should I spur, though mounted on the wind, In winged speed no motion shall I know, Then can no horse with my desire keep pace. Therefore desire, (of perfect'st love being made) Shall neigh, no dull flesh, in his fiery race; But love, for love, thus shall excuse my jade- Since from thee going, he went wilful-slow, Towards thee I'll run, and give him leave to go.

One thing you know about persistence runners; long distance runners. They are tenacious. They overcome sickness, injury, social barriers, and virtually any obstacle you can face in our civilization. On the other end of the tunnel they come out into the light and provide inspiration and set the example that mind truly can conquer matter. A great message to take from running is that success is shared by all the people, even those on the couch watching on television. It's the most raw, basic form of exercise of the will and we all participate in it. It's just a visceral feeling we all can relate to: working hard, crossing the finish, and then doing it all over again next year.
Still Running Against the Wind:
Labels: boston, democracy, social networking, technology
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