
Real Time Traveler Party

If you're coming to visit the Man in the High Castle, please RSVP here ahead of time. Saturday May the Fourth Be With You Party! 2014! May 4th, 2014. 7pm. Location: URL: IRC CHAT ROOM located at freenode.net. Join room #party. by entering "#party" for the channel to join at login. or type "/join #party" when signed on to IRC at freenode.net.

I owe credit for this idea to Dr. Stephen Hawking. But I wanted to see if it would be possible electronically through the Internet alone. I also read of an initiative to search for signs of time travelers through content that is available on the Internet before the date of the events transpired. This would be one such possible event. Around the same times I have had several other peculiar coincidences occur to me. It just seems natural that if there is a energy out there that we could tap into it. This might be one such means to close the loop.

It is believed that the party will be held here before the date posted.

If you feel this to be true, please email me at the links to the right of the page before the date of this posting or feel free to comment about this in another of my blog posts (before May 4, 2014). Think of that as your RSVP.

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