


April 10, 2020

anybody fails to see
what this life can provide
for the wapping spring
a thin layer of dust
unbreathable scions
made by racist leaders
sewing forever
in eternity their mass grave
we sleep dreaming of becoming
the astronauts and warriors
social influencers idled
a raisin crunch sausage
sleeping soundly

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Real Time Traveler Party

If you're coming to visit the Man in the High Castle, please RSVP here ahead of time. Saturday May the Fourth Be With You Party! 2014! May 4th, 2014. 7pm. Location: URL: IRC CHAT ROOM located at freenode.net. Join room #party. by entering "#party" for the channel to join at login. or type "/join #party" when signed on to IRC at freenode.net.

I owe credit for this idea to Dr. Stephen Hawking. But I wanted to see if it would be possible electronically through the Internet alone. I also read of an initiative to search for signs of time travelers through content that is available on the Internet before the date of the events transpired. This would be one such possible event. Around the same times I have had several other peculiar coincidences occur to me. It just seems natural that if there is a energy out there that we could tap into it. This might be one such means to close the loop.

It is believed that the party will be held here before the date posted.

If you feel this to be true, please email me at the links to the right of the page before the date of this posting or feel free to comment about this in another of my blog posts (before May 4, 2014). Think of that as your RSVP.

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Galapagos Playlist

  • GALAPAGOS HONEYMOON VIDEO COLLECTION here in all its glory I present my favorite images from our tour of Galapagos Islands. By far, this was the most incredible journey I have taken, and elicit the widest aperture onto the soul of this planet I had hitherto unforeseen. I took notes during the journey of music I associated with the visage, and here they commingle in internet infamy. Es verdad, son cosas de la vida!
  • 2015-08-20

    Right to be forgotten...

  • Google Must Censor Results about Results about Results AD INFINITUM.



    snpachat. stuff on my cat dot head

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  • 2013-10-30

    They're Coming For You Barbara!

    Draw Your Own Conclusions:
  • NSA Breaks into Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Hotmail - pretty much all your base are belong to us.
  • Google's Secret Floating Data Centers? - I'm still baffled I didn't land a job with a company that specializes in GIS, search, and secret floating fortresses of doom. I mean that's my resume in a nutshell.

    Although I have to say, I'm glad I have a relatively stress-free, applied environmental sciences career. I keep thinking there's something we got that all those big shots and fancy pants will never have: enough.

    What does it matter if they log everything we do? "And when you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you." And it's the signal grounding problem, ad infintum. These NSA guys obviously didn't study Nietzsche...

    Everyone should have known this was happening. The unbridled extent of it is somewhat appalling but the basic concept of the infiltration is not surprising given the history of other programs such as the FBI's legendary CARNIVORE project. No, the Snowden leaks are only interesting for the effect they caused but not for their content. Turn back to what old chappy Donald Rumsfield said,

    "There are known knowns; there are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns; that is to say, there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns – there are things we do not know we don't know.'"

    The Snowden leaks and the fact that megacorporations like Verizon, Google, Yahoo!, Microsoft are conspiring with world governments are "known unknowns". What we should be worried about are the "unknown unknowns". THAT'S what keeps me up at night....

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  • 2013-04-23

    why I plan to run Boston next year

    "If you have the knowledge and the inspiration all that's left is to take action." —Boston Marathon Terrorist Suspect


    For Boston, For Boston

  • This horrible day – by the late Andreas Raab.

    This post by Squeak guru Andreas Raab had a profound impact on my thinking post-9/11. It also led towards the theme I used for this blog. The name of this blog is "Because we believe another world is possible".

    I have always felt through verisimilitude, we get better, and the good triumphs evil. My hope is that at the heart of political and technological decisions the betterment of society ultimately prevails. In this great modern world at the heart of the megalopolis of the Boston Massachusetts area, these words must be repeated especially amidst such tragedy:
    The second issue, which is actually far more important, is that we are in fact working here for a better future - a future in which such horrible incidents don't happen - a future in which our children will live and learn in peace. Computers - and the Internet - can help to understand other cultures better, can help to understand problems of regions far away better, can help to raise our attention to both, tragedies and threats from parts of this world seemingly far away.
    Andreas Raab Wed Sep 12 06:09:23 UTC 2001

    Sonnet 51

    Thus can my love excuse the slow offence
    Of my dull bearer when from thee I speed:
    From where thou art why should I haste me thence?
    Till I return, of posting is no need.
    O! what excuse will my poor beast then find,
    When swift extremity can seem but slow?
    Then should I spur, though mounted on the wind,
    In winged speed no motion shall I know,
    Then can no horse with my desire keep pace.
    Therefore desire, (of perfect'st love being made)
    Shall neigh, no dull flesh, in his fiery race;
    But love, for love, thus shall excuse my jade-
       Since from thee going, he went wilful-slow,
       Towards thee I'll run, and give him leave to go.
  • Shakespeare

    One thing you know about persistence runners; long distance runners. They are tenacious. They overcome sickness, injury, social barriers, and virtually any obstacle you can face in our civilization. On the other end of the tunnel they come out into the light and provide inspiration and set the example that mind truly can conquer matter. A great message to take from running is that success is shared by all the people, even those on the couch watching on television. It's the most raw, basic form of exercise of the will and we all participate in it. It's just a visceral feeling we all can relate to: working hard, crossing the finish, and then doing it all over again next year.

    Still Running Against the Wind:

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